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Our Blog

Can a Pill Really Make You Smarter?

5 years ago

Imagine a scenario in which you take a pill and become smarter immediately? One that would improve your psychological skills, including attention, memory, concentration, motivation, and other higher functions? It’s an undeniable fact that overpriced vitamins are all up in…

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4 Ways to Build Muscle After 40

5 years ago

You may have seen pictures recently of a completely ripped JK Simmons (OK, Vern Schillinger if you’re an Oz junkie). Agreed, the dude’s packing some major pipes. But that’s not why the photos went viral. The bigger story was the…

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Manly Manly Man

5 years ago

Okay guys, take a moment to beat your chests and get a little sweaty. ‘Cause we’re talking about being MEN in this issue. Manly, sweaty, sex-lovin’ men. Sure, we’re good guys. Sure we have brains. But we are also men…

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Smooth Moves for Every Guy

5 years ago

How smooth are your moves? Every guy could use a few iron-clad tips to smooth the moves… Here’s a smooth one: Did you know that women need to be super well-lubricated for the ultimate sexual experience? Sexologist Adora Diana dishes…

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Get ‘er Done!

5 years ago

You are a guy who makes things happen. A guy who takes charge and moves the earth whenever necessary. Right? Well, sometimes we like to think of ourselves this way… but it’s not always our day-to-day reality. That’s why, in…

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Let’s Talk About SEX (baby!)

5 years ago

Woo-hoo! Sex: our favorite topic. Our favorite pastime. Let’s talk about sex… Sex and your fertility. Okay, before you start letting the air outta that balloon, this is GOOD news: a simple supplement you can take to boost your fertility and…

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The Secrets to Success

6 years ago

Sure, we all want to succeed “in life.” But let’s get real about the specific things we want to succeed in. For example, who hasn’t had a super hot female friend you want to get into your bed… but don’t really know how to…

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Sometimes Quantity DOES Count!

6 years ago

So, I posted a little while ago to talk about increasing the quantity of your ejaculate (okay, okay: I’m talking about how to get a “bigger load!”). Because the reality is, if you’re just kinda dribbling a little in this department, you’re…

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Sex, Mood, and Marriage

6 years ago

Ever feel like you’re just not cut out for marriage? Ever feel like you don’t last long enough in bed? Most men feel that way at least a few times in their lives… And here’s what you can do about it:…

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Life’s Important Questions

6 years ago

Not enough energy for sex? Questions about your penis — or your male enhancement exercises? Wondering WHY the heck you’re not meeting any women lately? Who’s NOT thinking about at least one or two of these questions — especially at…

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Happy New Year!

6 years ago

A new year, a new decade… What could feel more like a clean slate? It’s time to start fresh and set goals for the new year and the decade to come. With that in mind, we’ve got some fabulous advice…

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For the Love of Unexpected Benefits

6 years ago

Did you know that there are enormous (no pun) benefits to penis enlargement — besides a larger penis?!? Have you thought about the side benefits of sexual health — other than better sex?!? Sometimes, the side benefits are at least as good…

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How Abnormal Is This?!?

6 years ago

Does your penis bend in one direction when erect? Many men experience a curvature of the penis, and for as many as one percent of all men, this curvature is a painful, more serious problem known as “Peyronie’s disease.” But…

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The Mark of a “Real Man”

6 years ago

What makes a man a “real man”? What defines “manliness”? Men are hairy. Men are muscular. A “real man” is well-hung. (Insert caveman noises here.) Okay, but what if you’re losing your hair? What if your muscle mass is being…

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What’s On YOUR Mind?!

6 years ago

Sex and women. Let’s face it: this is what we think about. At least a good chunk of the time. And when we have problems in these areas, we can’t STOP thinking about them. Problems like: Having a small penis… or…

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Let’s Talk Longevity…

6 years ago

We all want things to last… whether it’s your favorite socks or a good mood. But in the search for longevity in our lives, what’s really important? Sex, of course. The length of your life, of course! Your ability to…

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Big… Bigger… Biggest!

6 years ago

Okay, guys… here it is. It’s time. It’s the SIZE issue We’re talkin’ big, bulging biceps. We’re talkin’ a big, impressive, uh… “member.” And we’re talking about huge, crashing, blow-you-away orgasms. There are some areas where size most definitely counts — and…

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The TRUTH About “Penis Pills”

6 years ago

… By AJ Alfaro “Add inches to your penis!” Ads like these are everywhere… on the internet, in your email inboxes, in men’s magazines, on the radio, and even on TV, you’ve no doubt seen countless ads for male enhancement….

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Summer’s Not Over Yet!

6 years ago

In my part of the world, summer is just hitting its sizzling peak. Now is the time to revel in those long beach days… those sexy summer nights… those revealing little dresses that seem to be everywhere this year… 😉…

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A Remedy For What Ails You!

6 years ago

— From Editor Craig Jackson Do you know the Black Crowes song, “Remedy”? One line from it is: “If I had some remedy, I’d take enough to please me.” Well, that’s what we’re hoping to do with this issue of…

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