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Articles by Luke Hunter

Can a Pill Really Make You Smarter?

5 years ago

Imagine a scenario in which you take a pill and become smarter immediately? One that would improve your psychological skills, including attention, memory, concentration, motivation, and other higher functions? It’s an undeniable fact that overpriced vitamins are all up in…

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4 Ways to Build Muscle After 40

5 years ago

You may have seen pictures recently of a completely ripped JK Simmons (OK, Vern Schillinger if you’re an Oz junkie). Agreed, the dude’s packing some major pipes. But that’s not why the photos went viral. The bigger story was the…

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Smooth Moves for Every Guy

5 years ago

How smooth are your moves? Every guy could use a few iron-clad tips to smooth the moves… Here’s a smooth one: Did you know that women need to be super well-lubricated for the ultimate sexual experience? Sexologist Adora Diana dishes…

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The Secrets to Success

6 years ago

Sure, we all want to succeed “in life.” But let’s get real about the specific things we want to succeed in. For example, who hasn’t had a super hot female friend you want to get into your bed… but don’t really know how to…

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Life’s Important Questions

6 years ago

Not enough energy for sex? Questions about your penis — or your male enhancement exercises? Wondering WHY the heck you’re not meeting any women lately? Who’s NOT thinking about at least one or two of these questions — especially at…

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